Pie N Burger: Check!

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What a day!  A stroll n’ play through the children’s garden at the Huntington with the G-Man followed by some down home Pie n’ Burger.  Burger = American cheese with grilled onions.  Pie = Strawberry with whipped cream.  Total experience = can’t beat it.  Note: they actually hand mix their sodas right at the counter!

Love and thanks to my Mother in Law, Joan, for joining me on this mouth-watering mission.

Sunset Ferris Wheel: Check!

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Ohhhhh I want a ferris wheel in my backyard!

What fun we had…some peking duck confit tacos (what?) exotic cocktails (and G-Star-rated milktails) at Buddha’s Belly and then a quick jaunt over to le pier for some Sunset Ferris Wheel action.  I might forget to cross this one off the list and do it again.

Thanks and much wind-machine hair to Erin and Antonia for joining us on this spontaneous adventure!